Monday, November 30, 2009

RSS Feeds


I am following some blogs in my blog reader. (only if sent a reminder in my email)

I have many things sent to my personal email automatically. (This I do find convenient)

I now have RSS feeds in my work Outlook account. (I've no idea how long those Microsoft RSS feeds have been sitting in there unread).

I still have bookmarked sites I will visit infrequently.


IF I have to have a reminder that there is new content for me to go look at, is it really important?

To wit:

I don't have to be reminded to do most things I enjoy. Eat, sleep, walk & play with Pluty, etc.

I don't need extra reminders of things I am compelled to do. Laundry, dishes, grocery shopping.


If I have to be reminded to go look at a website, get the podcast, etc. Do I REALLY "need" this?

Sure, I understand the convenience of it. But what if you didn't watch an episode of a tv show, a football game, a movie? What if you didn't check the headlines, weather, scores? Would any of it really matter? Don't you think the stuff that really matters would somehow be on your mental radar screen anyway?


What are some RSS feeds that I probably can't/shouldn't live without?

Which ones would make me a better librarian?

Reflections on the assignment:

Yep, I can see that we could push information out to patrons.

We could make sure patrons know about a variety of RSS feeds in their areas of interest.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blog Readers

Okay, I will expand on my previous post about blog readers.
I don't think that I will be using one. I have set one up. But that is where my use will end.

Back in the dark ages when I read blogs, I found that if I bookmarked the blog to my favorites and gave it a cute name, I could find it whenever I wanted. Simple.
1. Internet browser
2. Click under favorites,
3. Click on "Blog of Choice."
4. Read blog entries or ignore them

After I was introduced to "Delicious," I learned that I could take my favorite bookmarks to any computer I used. Yay!

So, I now have my 23 Things blog and it has a handy gadget. "Blogs you are following"
I can follow blogs from my blog rather than from a blog reader.
But goin' old school, if I want to be in control, I just use my bookmarks.

Here is my reasoning. I follow a blog about uncluttering. I also follow a blog about progressive/liberal politics. I follow a blog by my coworker Larissa. None of these blogs have a ton in common. At least not the reasons I follow them.

So, if I use a blog reader, it sandwiches a post about healthcare reform between a post about cleaning out your garage and a post about Larissa's recent trip to Brazil. It would be like reading a page of Utne Reaer, a page of National Geographic, and then a page from The Nation. This is not how I read. Or at least it is not how I choose to read blogs. If I want to read about Larissa's trip, I will go to her blog and not be interrupted by a post about kitchen gadgets gone bad.

I am merely pointing out that blog readers don't work for me. I know they have a ton of coolio features that I am missing. I know that they purport to make my life oh so much easier. But so does a digital watch with date, time, calendar, calculator, etc. I just choose an analog watch as my preference.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I just set up my reader account and added 23 ?Things, Unclutterer, and also the link to the blogs i am following from this one.

The time savings have been huge! I used my saved time to read the collected works of Proust.

Friday, November 20, 2009


People who use public libraries are already in the plus column as far as I am concerned. If they are here, that is a good thing. But people who come everyday freak me out a little bit. I get paid to be here and I'm only here 5 days a week. When I see the same faces almost everyday, I get a little worried. Really? You don't want to take a day off and spend it doing something else?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Required Post

Here is my required post for FPL's 23 Things