Okay, I will expand on my previous post about blog readers.
I don't think that I will be using one. I have set one up. But that is where my use will end.
Back in the dark ages when I read blogs, I found that if I bookmarked the blog to my favorites and gave it a cute name, I could find it whenever I wanted. Simple.
1. Internet browser
2. Click under favorites,
3. Click on "Blog of Choice."
4. Read blog entries or ignore them
After I was introduced to "Delicious," I learned that I could take my favorite bookmarks to any computer I used. Yay!
So, I now have my 23 Things blog and it has a handy gadget. "Blogs you are following"
I can follow blogs from my blog rather than from a blog reader.
But goin' old school, if I want to be in control, I just use my bookmarks.
Here is my reasoning. I follow a blog about uncluttering. I also follow a blog about progressive/liberal politics. I follow a blog by my coworker Larissa. None of these blogs have a ton in common. At least not the reasons I follow them.
So, if I use a blog reader, it sandwiches a post about healthcare reform between a post about cleaning out your garage and a post about Larissa's recent trip to Brazil. It would be like reading a page of Utne Reaer, a page of National Geographic, and then a page from The Nation. This is not how I read. Or at least it is not how I choose to read blogs. If I want to read about Larissa's trip, I will go to her blog and not be interrupted by a post about kitchen gadgets gone bad.
I am merely pointing out that blog readers don't work for me. I know they have a ton of coolio features that I am missing. I know that they purport to make my life oh so much easier. But so does a digital watch with date, time, calendar, calculator, etc. I just choose an analog watch as my preference.